Invest with a Nedbank Money Market account and you could provide yourself with a future that has plenty of options. In this day and age nobody wants a bank that doesn’t do things for them and, more importantly, nobody wants a bank that doesn’t do things for the world around them. Nedbank has consistently led the way in corporate social investment and investing in the environment. They are really striking a balance between being a lending institution and a part of our community. They also offer incredible account options such as the money market account which helps you to invest a small amount of cash and start saving for that future.
If you are looking to make a flexible investment then invest with a Nedbank Money Market account to get a favourable interest rate whilst you start saving. The flexibility that they give you is the potential to choose between the options for investing and make sure that you get a favourable balance at the end of each month. It is a step up from a regular savings account, because it has a much bigger potential to grow your money and it gives you more control over the rate and pace of that growth. It has never been simpler to be a beginner investor – and with Nedbank guiding your choices you know that you are guaranteed to be on the right track.
If you are currently a member of another bank and think that you might like to invest and start saving, it is quite easy to pop into your local Nedbank and ask them what it’s all about. If you want your balance to grow from petty cash to big bucks then it might be a worthwhile choice to invest with a Money Market account.